Friday, July 30, 2010

...Experiencing Colorado

One week left in Colorado... and all I can say is that the end is far too near. For my last weekend in paradise, I am going out to Aspen to climb up Castle and Conundrum Peaks with four of my favorite people in the world. Both mountains are 14ers (at least 14,000 ft. high) and look like a lot of fun. While I won't be carrying my camera (it's a bit large for a lightweight hike) I will certainly be mooching off of my friend's much smaller point-and-shoot. For now, however, feast your eyes on the view I will be seeing tomorrow morning, and be jealous.

Get excited for hearing all about it later on this weekend...

Love, love, super apprehensive but excited love,

1 comment:

  1. That is just awesome. Good luck and have a great time! I also want to say I love the way you head your blog & lead it into every post title- brilliant :)
